Saturday, March 28, 2009

The land of maple syrup and ski slopes

Vermont. I've heard many rumors about the place. Some say to avoid it like the plague, that that the mosquitoes are worse than in a Florida swamp, and the people are so liberal that no Christian could emerge unscathed. Others say that it is a paradise, that the maple syrup drips from the trees, that it's the birthplace of Ben & Jerry's, and that snowshoeing is the preferred work commute. Of all of the places on our list for residency, this one was the most controversial, the most unusual, the most adventurous, and probably the most faith-building.

Regardless of what we think we thought, the Lord is taking us up North for the next five years. Wowzers. I already am feeling a bit chilly just thinking about it. And Jessica and I are pumped. Now to be honest, the initial shock of hearing that news landed heavily, like the weight of an unexpected glacier just dropped into our lives. This was compounded by the fact that Jessica and I were separated and could not discuss things together except in small phone chats. But now the Lord has thawed that temporary burden and we greatly anticipate this new chapter of our lives.

We would ask for your prayer. There are specific things that we are lifting before the Lord's throne before our move to Vermont:
1) For a good church.
2) For good friends.
3) For a good house.
Thanks so much to all of our family and friends for your love and support for us.

1 comment:

  1. Congrats! We'll miss you guys but I'm a little jealous. Vermont sounds awesome.
