I know, it is pitiful. I have only blogged once since being pregnant. Since this amazing season of life started in which there is so much to share and talk about! I am not going to make excuses, I am just going to write.
The Lord has blessed us tremendously during this pregnancy. I and the baby have remained healthy throughout with no red or yellow flags or cause for concern. I have been amazed at how my body gets used to each new phase of pregnancy. I am at the end of the pregnancy now. It is wednesday and my due date is this upcoming monday. I start to feel my body preparing for labor and know that so much is about to change, but Josh and I are very excited to meet our little girl. We have prayed for her throughout this pregnancy. For her health, safety, and ultimately her salvation. We pray that the Lord will use her to glorify himself. Which, can be a scary prayer, but we know that unless we practice opening our hands up to the Lord now it will only get harder as we fall more and more in love with our daughter.
Things I am most excited about with meeting our little one: snuggling with her, how big will she be?, will she be super long from tall sides of our families?, seeing Josh snuggle with her, seeing Josh change a diaper for the first time, and announcing her arrival to the world.
The doctor keeps saying labor could be any minute, or a week from now. My parents are graciously being on call to fly up when I go into labor to come help us after the baby is born. Josh's parents will come soon after my parents leave. Then, my best friend Renzia will come in early July! The church has generously offered to step in and fill the holes with meals as needed. We feel incredibly loved by the people around us and continue to offer praises to our Lord for his goodness. Hopefully, in the next couple of weeks the newest blog will be a birth announcement, so stay tuned!
How exciting! It really could be any minute now! I can't wait to see pictures. Praying that labor and delivery go well.